A Musical Evening with Rishi and Rajvi

Saturday 27th March @ 8pm – A Musical Evening with Rishi and Rajvi

This Saturday marks one year since LCNL went online with their first event as part of the Digital Lockdown Entertainment. Who would have thought that a year on and with over 100 events later; we would still be entertaining you online with various performances! 

Our first lockdown online event was performed by Rishi and Rajvi from Rajvi Raja Entertainment in 2020, we therefore  felt it would be perfect to get them back on to mark the occasion. 

So, join us for an evening of live singing and entertainment by these two great performers. As always you can sing, dance and clap along via Zoom or as always you can watch them on Facebook. Details on how to connect on either can be found below.

Looking forward to seeing you at The 100th LCNL Lockdown online event!

Zoom Details:

Meeting ID: 881 9222 5186
Passcode: LCNL2021

Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/lcnlmahajan