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RAGHUVANSHI 2023 - 2024                      HAPPY DIWALI

               Finding the light during Bereavement: How Diwali

                              can be a guide through bereavement

                                                     By Lord Dolar Popat

                                        Bereavement is an inevitable part of our human journey. It’s a path each of us will
                                        eventually tread. During these challenging times, it can be so easy to be caught up

                                        in the sadness of the situation. However, Diwali, the Festival of Lights, reminds us
                                        Hindus that there is hope. It offers us invaluable insights into finding light during our
                                        darkest moments.

                                        There are several messages we can take away from Diwali to help us with

              A reminder that light trumps darkness. In the depths of bereavement, it’s essential to remember that grief, much
              like the profound night, can be dispelled by the light of hope, cherished memories, and the unwavering support of

              our community. Just as Diwali dispels the shadows from our homes, hope can illuminate the darkest corners of our

              Diwali brings families together and encourages community celebrations. It emphasizes the profound significance

              of human bonds. In the face of grief, we must not forget the power of these connections. Our family and
              community are there to offer their support and provide strength during the most challenging times.

              During Diwali we often discuss renewal and rebirth. The exchange of gifts, the rejuvenation of homes, and the
              wearing of new attire symbolize a fresh start. During bereavement, this symbolism offers us the possibility of
              personal renewal. It encourages us to honor the memories of our dear ones by living our lives to the fullest.

              As we celebrate Lord Rama’s triumph over adversity, we remember we can too. Grief may feel like an
              insurmountable obstacle, but just as Lord Rama emerged victorious, we, too, can overcome the adversities that

              come with bereavement. Healing may take time, but it is within our reach.

              During bereavement, focusing on gratitude for the time spent with our loved ones and the precious memories

              created can be a wellspring of hope. It allows us to cherish the moments we had and appreciate the profound
              impact our loved ones had on our lives.

              For a Hindu navigating the challenging waters of bereavement, Diwali carries a profound message of hope. It is

              not merely a festival; it is a guiding light that leads us from the shadows to the radiance of hope. Even when grief
              appears all-encompassing, we can draw strength from the age-old wisdom embedded in Diwali - the triumph of
              light over darkness, the support of our loved ones, opportunities for renewal, the potential to overcome adversity,

              and the power of gratitude. As we light our metaphorical diyas during the darkest hours of our lives, let Diwali
              serve as a reminder that hope and healing are within our reach. In the deepest night, the light of hope shines the


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