Page 64 - LCNL Diwali Magazine
P. 64

RAGHUVANSHI 2023 - 2024                      HAPPY DIWALI

                                         Diwali Blessings

                       Dear Divine Souls of the Lohana Community North London,

                        I                                           divinity and not by ego, greed and
                          hope that – by God’s grace – this
                          finds you all in the best of health
                          and happiness at this  holy and
                        divine time of Diwali.                      As the golden glimmer of Diwali
                                                                    approaches, casting its illuminative
                        The festival of Diwali signifies the        dance upon our homes and hearts,
                        joyous return of Bhagawan Rama              it is important to realize that the
                        to Ayodhya. All the people filled           epic tale of Lord Rama’s victory over
                        the streets with brightly burning           darkness and his triumphant return
                        lamps to welcome Bhagawan Rama              to Ayodhya is not just a beautiful
                        home and with which to behold His           historical event of that sacred day.
                        divine face. When Rama returned to          It’s also a powerful teaching for our
                        Ayodhya and took the throne of the          times. Today the darkness is not just
                        city, it was the beginning of what          the absence of light but the shadow
                        is called “Rama Rajya” or the rule          we cast through the darkness of our
                        of Rama. Rama Rajya is referred             ignorance upon our Earth through
                        to, again and again, not only in            thoughtless actions, excessive
                        the Ramayana but in innumerable             consumption, and a disconnect from
                        other literary works, as an era             Nature’s rhythms.
                        of perfection, an era of dharma,
                        righteousness, integrity, equality.         From record-breaking temperatures
                        It is the era which we need to              to massive and destructive fires
                        create again -- a time of peace, joy,       and floods across the globe, we
                        harmony, health and abundance.              have never seen such extreme and
                        That can only happen when our               detrimental climate changes in
                        lives, our communities and our              such a short period of time. Mother
                        nations are ruled by goodness and           Earth is ailing, and her children

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