Page 65 - LCNL Diwali Magazine
P. 65

HAPPY DIWALI              RAGHUVANSHI 2023 - 2024

              - all our sisters and brothers of every              the citizens of Ayodhya to join hands in
              race, religion, color, culture and even              bringing about the new world order. In
              every species - are ailing, as well.  We             the same way, if we are truly going to
              do everything for our children, but if we            celebrate Diwali, we must be prepared to
              don’t provide them an earth with clean               join our hands and create a world in which
              water, air and soil, everything else will be         we bring back health to our trees and
              meaningless.                                         planet.  Let’s organize riverside clean ups
                                                                   and tree plantations to celebrate Diwali
              Our beautiful spiritual culture prays for            and all of our special occasions. Let’s
              and to Nature - our atmosphere, our                  pledge to end our use of single-use plastic
              rivers, our mountains and our plants. We             and become truly conscious consumers.
              must be sure to take care of that same               Let us, together, usher in an era of a green
              nature! We must remember that one of the             economy, rather than a greed economy.
              greatest gifts of abundance and prosperity
              we have been given is our Mother Nature              I extend my warmest blessings to the
              and our Mother Earth, both of whom                   Hindu community in London. While
              provide us with everything we need. All              Diwali is a festival of light, victory, and
              the water, the food, the sunshine, the               prosperity, this year let it also be a
              oxygen, the vitamins and minerals in the             festival of awareness, responsibility, and
              soil – everything at all that we need for            reverence for our Mother Earth and the
              our life is provided abundantly through              boundless blessings of Mother Nature.
              Mother Earth and Mother Nature.                      As Diwali’s lights beckon, remember, our
                                                                   Earth too was once radiant with pristine
              Sadly, we have learned that we are the               beauty. Our dharma, our sacred duty, is to
              problem for Mother Earth and Mother                  ensure that its light never diminishes. This
              Nature. When so many nations went under              Diwali, let’s pledge to tread gently, love
              lockdown during the Covid outbreak,                  deeply, and live in a way that honours the
              Mother Earth healed. The air was cleaner,            sacred interdependence of all life.
              water was cleaner, carbon emissions were
              down. In Haridwar and Rishikesh we saw               May your Diwali be blessed with
              elephants coming and bathing in Mother               enlightenment, not just of the mind and
              Ganga! Nature became rejuvenated.                    soul, but of actions that echo with respect
              Blue skies, clean flowing water. When                for Mother Earth and Mother Nature.
              we started opening up doors again, the
              pollution and destruction returned. The
              problem is us. So we must be the solution.
                                                                        With deepest love and blessings,
              Just as Lord Rama, with devotion and                       In the service of God and Humanity,
              righteousness, vanquished the darkness
              of ignorance, ego and illusion of the
              10-headed demon king Ravana, we too
              are called upon to dispel the darkness
              of environmental neglect and ecological                     Swami Chidanand Saraswati
              imbalance. We must be prepared to work                  
              toward creating Rama Rajya. Rama did not
              simply wave a magic wand and create a            &
              paradise on Earth. Rather He called upon

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